About bombing NYC, Madrid & London
Dear friends,
These days we are all from London. Yesterday we were from New York and
Our duty is to keep on living with faith & love inspite of obstacles and
tragedies that we can found in our path through life.
It is a nonsense to darken our lifes, to get blinded by hate or pain and
definetely it is not a way to pay homage to those who died or have been
Let's cultivate and safeguard tolerance & happiness & : paradoxically,
it is the very best answer to intolerance and misfortune & tragedy.
Force will not change anything.
Violence will not change anything.
Terrorism will not change anything.
The enemy to shoot is not Occident, Orient, Middle east or Far East. The
enemy is simply fundamentalism and intolerance under any form.
So keep on laughing, smiling, living, understanding,loving &
transmitting this happiness and faith to our children. Because against
this no bomb, no religion, no political group can fight.
Think today how lucky you are. Be thankful for having a roof, eating
when you want, having freedom of expression, being surrounded by beloved
people, being able to do what you want to do with your life.
And SMILE all day long.
yours Benny