Saturday, December 29, 2007

I'm strange!

I must be strange. I just don't rely on any labels for my happiness. I couldn't care less what you thought of me, just as long as we have a great time together. That's all that matters.
If I really cared about what other people thought, I wouldn't see any of my friends. They have all done or said something I thought was hurtful, bad, etc.... It just doesn't matter.
Can you and I make magic when we're together. That's all that matters.
No one knows about tomorrow, it's no use worrying about it.
You know, I want to be wanted like any other person but there's no way to really know...ever.
So what I'm left with are facts, right now, what you chose to do. If someone "pretends" to be my friend but says stupid stuff about me behind my back, I wouldn't care. Just as long as we enjoyed ourselves truly when we are together.
Hey, I know some of those sentences where not properly structured. Deal with it!

I'm strange!

I must be strange. I just don't rely on any labels for my happiness. I couldn't care less what you thought of me, just as long as we have a great time together. That's all that matters.
If I really cared about what other people thought, I wouldn't see any of my friends. They have all done or said something I thought was hurtful, bad, etc.... It just doesn't matter.
Can you and I make magic when we're together. That's all that matters.
No one knows about tomorrow, it's no use worrying about it.
You know, I want to be wanted like any other person but there's no way to really know...ever.
So what I'm left with are facts, right now, what you chose to do. If someone "pretends" to be my friend but says stupid stuff about me behind my back, I wouldn't care. Just as long as we enjoyed ourselves truly when we are together.
Hey, I know some of those sentences where not properly structured. Deal with it!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


It was 52F on Christmas day when I had a late lunch at Latchi's.
I drank too much warm Sake and played with the kitties.
I started my trek to her place in tears as I watched the highway go by.
I guess the sun was setting and the music was beautiful.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


It was 52F on Christmas day when I had a late lunch at Latchi's.
I drank too much warm Sake and played with the kitties.
I started my trek to her place in tears as I watched the highway go by.
I guess the sun was setting and the music was beautiful.

Monday, December 24, 2007

I wonder where I'll end up today.

I don't know where I'm going but I do know where I'm not.
Hoping is futile and waiting is hopeless.
I guess I use to wait for others to behave in a specific way...a way that I thought was right.
How stupid of me.
First of all, there is no right for all. I guess there is only right for me.

I wonder where I'll end up today.

I don't know where I'm going but I do know where I'm not.
Hoping is futile and waiting is hopeless.
I guess I use to wait for others to behave in a specific way...a way that I thought was right.
How stupid of me.
First of all, there is no right for all. I guess there is only right for me.

Friday, February 16, 2007

mother of the year

In a zoo in California, a mother tiger gave birth to a rare set oftriplet tiger cubs. Unfortunately, due to complications in thepregnancy, the cubs were born prematurely and due to their tiny size,they died shortly after birth.The mother tiger after recovering from the delivery, suddenly startedto decline in health, although physically she was fine. Theveterinarians felt that the loss of her litter had caused the tigress to fall into adepression. The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogateanother mother's cubs, perhaps she would improve.
After checking with many other zoos across the country, the depressing news was that there were no tiger cubs of the right age to introduce to the mourning mother The veterinarians decided to try something that had never been tried in a zoo environment. Sometimes a mother of one species will take on the care of a different species. The only orphans" that could be found quickly, were a litter of weaner pigs. The zoo keepers and vets wrapped the piglets in tiger skin and placed the babies around the mother tiger. Would they become cubs or pork chops??

Take a look........ you won't believe your eyes!!


The terms used for the egg in a woman's uterus after it has been fertilized by a sperm are zygote, blastocyst, embryo or foetus depending on the stage of development.

I find interesting that the term used by people against other people having abortion for this bag of cells is an "unborn child".

So I guess along the same line of thinking we should call human beings "pre-dead cadavres"?

mother of the year

In a zoo in California, a mother tiger gave birth to a rare set oftriplet tiger cubs. Unfortunately, due to complications in thepregnancy, the cubs were born prematurely and due to their tiny size,they died shortly after birth.The mother tiger after recovering from the delivery, suddenly startedto decline in health, although physically she was fine. Theveterinarians felt that the loss of her litter had caused the tigress to fall into adepression. The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogateanother mother's cubs, perhaps she would improve.
After checking with many other zoos across the country, the depressing news was that there were no tiger cubs of the right age to introduce to the mourning mother The veterinarians decided to try something that had never been tried in a zoo environment. Sometimes a mother of one species will take on the care of a different species. The only orphans" that could be found quickly, were a litter of weaner pigs. The zoo keepers and vets wrapped the piglets in tiger skin and placed the babies around the mother tiger. Would they become cubs or pork chops??

Take a look........ you won't believe your eyes!!


The terms used for the egg in a woman's uterus after it has been fertilized by a sperm are zygote, blastocyst, embryo or foetus depending on the stage of development.

I find interesting that the term used by people against other people having abortion for this bag of cells is an "unborn child".

So I guess along the same line of thinking we should call human beings "pre-dead cadavres"?

Thursday, February 01, 2007

New Biz

so I officially started my business last week. It's called jeanjoel spatafora LLC. How about that. Yeah, I've decided to run all my odd jobs and art stuff thru the LLC. Basically I'm an independent contractor. It'll be easier to keep track of $ and file taxes, etc....

Thursday, January 25, 2007


OK, so I've changed my site again. I can't help it.
I do, however, think it's the best one so far.
So I found out about It's really cool, much better than myspace.

I wonder if the new congress will bend over that the abused child that they are in front of bush's proposal to spend MORE money abroad that could be spent here. I guess no one in washington realise that people are suffering here too.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

this is hard

I've been trying to make blogger have the same look as my website.
This is the closest that I got.
It's not too bad but not perfect either.