Monday, October 12, 2009

fall 2009

so I decided to give worldpress a try. I don't think that blogger is bad but I just like to change things once in a while :).

I'm back in The Lou and for the first time, I'm really happy about that.

The Fall season is upon us and it just happens to be my favorite season. I think I'll need to find me a lover for the cold season.
Wouldn't it be cool to find a lover for just the seasons? Almost like a lease with option to renew...hum, I think I'm on to something. It would take a whole lot of imaginary pressure off.


RoseMary said...

i like how you think!;) ...isn't this how all relationships should/could be? with the freedom to get in/out when it FEELS right and the option to renegociate the terms of the agreement at any moment... people (ok, i'm speaking for myself) grow and change so quickly (if they are willing to admit it) that to commit to longer than the present moment is pure folly... ok, i'm out of my mind... and that's a good thing!

jeanjoel said...

I hear ya. I really wonder if it's possible. I will try it. I'll look for a companion for just the Fall and Winter season. You know, this way I can really give myself totally because I know there is an end in sight, lol.

Anonymous Coward said...

I like that, in fact I had someone begging me to be her "blanket" for Winter lol! If only her offer didn't have so much strings attached, would have been fun!