[caption id="attachment_517" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="nude figure"]
Ok, this is the 3rd of my charcoal drawings. I guess I have to start on my acrylics for my show that's in 3 days. lol.
By the way, I love love love drawing the figure. I think I could do the figure in charcoal all day long and everyday.
Anyway, I doubt anyone looks at this blog and if they do never leave a message...how rude! lol
Beautiful drawings JeanJoel -
I'm glad you're in the working mode again making great stuff!
Long ago I gave up on leaving comments on your blog because they never show up.
I'm trying again.
thanks for the comment Jerry :))
U see, your comment is posted!
chaque fois que je regarde ton dessin, j'éprouve à chaque fois la même émotion, il est très réussi, je ne m'en lasse pas!!
et...c quoi l'emotion que tu ressens?
Just wanted to say I am on here, reading your blog, and I am in love with your charcoal drawings.
Thanks love, I like them as well. I want to do more...
Beautiful incidental energy lines. I like the sense of motion.
thanks Brian.
thank you thank you
your charcoal drawings are very beautiful
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