This is my latest work. It's charcoal on mylar. It about 16 inches across and 24 down. I really like this piece and I intend to enter it in a juried show at Fontbonne. I hope I win because the first prize is $1000, second $500 and third $250.
So today, I feel much better...It comes in waves but what a difference a day makes.
l i f e i s g o o d
"Ryan" is really my favourite so far…. Great drawing, superb expression n ur just really talented! Keep up the good work J. xxx
I would have to agree with you, Ryan is my best work so far. I think it has to do with the size of the head as well. I can show more plane and shape than with a smaller size head like to other ones. I think I need to find the right scale/size for me.
Thanks for the comment.
très beau portrait, vivant et énergique. a mon avis, les grands formats sont plus adaptés à ta fougue que les petits....
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