Wednesday, December 02, 2009

my little heart...

I was walking through the park today. The air was cold, not too cold. There was stillness within and without. Upon a path I saw a small tree. It had lost all it's plumage, all but a few and that's when I saw it. It was my little heart. It was perched on the highest branch, looking down at me...dancing in the cold wind. It was unguarded, unprotected, naked for all to see...

[caption id="attachment_588" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="my heart"]my heart[/caption]


RoseMary said...

how beautifully gorgeous! thanks for sharing your heart...
(this pix would make a nice holiday card!)

jeanjoel said...

:) thankyou.

Jerry said...

That's an old PhotoShop trick!

jeanjoel said...

Not at all!

Jennifer said...

I think you need to make this into a painting. Somehow.

jeanjoel said...

Maybe in Chinese Ink?

Jennifer said...

Yes, that would be cool! with just a touch of color for the heart.