Sunday, December 18, 2005

My 2005 Show...WOW!!!

What a night.
I wanted to thank everyone that showed up for my artshow last night. It was awesome!
I and I gallery was such a great place to show my stuff.
There was a chill atmosphere, great music, wine and mid-eastern food.
(By the way, do you know the difference between "food" and "cuisine", about $10)
Anyway, I sold 11 pieces of artwork, and met some really interesting people.
Last night felt like a real art openning, I was great. I saw a couple of people that were disappointed because they had not bought their piece fast enough.
Anyway, thank you so much everyone.

My next show will be on Jan. 13 2006. at Subterranean Books.
I'll keep you posted.
Actually, I'll use Evite to send the invitations. It worked pretty well.


Anonymous said...

How ya doing jeanjoel, Hope you are having a good day. Your My 2005 Show...WOW!!! site is most interesting. I was looking for dream interpretation related information when I came across it. Thanks for the read. I have a site that may interest you come and visit sometime, dream interpretation thanks again, take care.

Jill Homer said...

I can't figure out if that's a spam comment or not. If it is, it's very clever. Anyway, congrats on the show. I always love to hear about an artist making it.