Friday, April 15, 2011

My latest...

So I have to put up a painting tomorrow for our senior thesis. I just finished this one, since my 3 other pieces will be at Koken for the Renaissance show...


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Damn it! my comments are gone!!! :((


me said...

Ta peinture est une pure merveille, j'aime l'expression du personnage, le mystère qui se dégage de l'atmosphère du tableau et ce rouge qui donne une telle vitalité à l'ensemble...j'adore!

jeanjoel said...

Merci ma puce! :*

Roy said...

Very..., very..., nice...

jeanjoel said...

thank you...

jeanjoel said...

the opening is Thursday at 6pm at the Fine Arts Building at UMSL if you're interested in seeing the piece...

Roy said...

I would like to see it. I have two commitments that night but I will do my best to get there, Thanks much!

jeanjoel said...

Oops! It's actually from 5pm to 6pm :\