Monday, May 23, 2005

June will be tricky...

Oh boy! June is going to be tricky. By the way, my birthday is June 9th. Well I have to come up with 20 paintings by the 31th of May for the Hartford Coffee openning (the actual opening will be Sunday June 12th from 1 to 4pm), 5 more for Gallerie M by mid June and I was hoping to have a few pieces more for this thing in Colorado. Kurt lives there and there's this block party where tons of people will be walking the streets and buying stuff.If I get some money, I'm outta here. I'd like to go to Cabanas Copal in Tulum, actually I'd rather go to Azulik which is right next door. It's this wonderful clothing optional, no electric (except in the restaurant and bar), candlelight everywhere and the cabanas are right on the beach. I can't wait!...I guess I can :).

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