Saturday, November 28, 2009

no more piercing.

Ok, so I removed my Angel piercing today...actually just now. I think I'm done with that. I like it better.

Here's how I look:


[caption id="attachment_520" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="me without my piercing"]me without my piercing[/caption]




Jerry said...

Now when you drink tea does it run out the hole? J.

jeanjoel said...

I haven't tried yet. :)

olga said...

ok, tu a l'air différent, plus sage, plus "classic".....
j'aime beaucoup, je préfere com sa....remarque, tu pourras toujours refaire le piercing quand tu veux...

jeanjoel said...

hehehe...j'aime bien: plus sage...peut etre..on vera :))