Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I have to move on...

meditating on the deck This is hard...I've been here before...sort of.

A clean break is all I need. Run, run, don't look back or you'll turn into a pillar of salt, frozen in time, frozen in pain.

My heart is agitated in fear, in pain waiting for the final blow, the final crush.

I believe did the right thing. It an endless vortex...the black love.

I'm too weak to face it all. I can't sit on the sidelines anymore. I wish I could, I wish I could be there for you.  In a way I'am...

I can only loose so many feathers...before I can't fly anymore, and fly I must.

I will soar high up in the heavenly skies, I will think of you when I'm well.

I will fly in search for just a moment, a place of ease where I can rebuild and be reborn.

Out of my ashes I will feel again, trust again, love again.

So long my love...

I truly love you.


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